
About Me

On August 30, 1997, a cry was heard from a newborn child and a tear rolled down the cheek of her mother. The parents smiled as they told the nurse their daughter's name that they had decided weeks before this day...

"Melanie Hughes"

Hey y'all! Fifteen years have passed since that day that I do not remember in the slightest, and with the change of each day in these passing years so I have changed. Here's a little peak into who I have become over these fifteen years.

I will and will always be a Southern girl from Georgia whose ultimate focus and salvation is the Lord God Almighty. I love and am blessed by the gift of my family and my friends. I enjoy sports immensely and have played volleyball for five years. One of my greatest passions is music, whether that is listening to virtually any type of music (especially country), playing my guitar, or singing every second every second possible. I love learning but am not very fond of school, and one of my greatest obsessions is photography.

One of my most intense desires in life is discovering adventure. Whether it is through sailing, traveling around the world, or soaring through the woods on a zip-line. All I want is to find excitement and live life on the edge. I accomplish also through hunting with my daddy, fishing, and finding any excitements I can. My dad says I am a dare-devil with absolutely no fears... but that may just be one of those thing a parent says to their child.

Anyways, I am constantly thinking. constantly pondering life. constantly digging deeper into things than I should, so I decided it was time to write those things ( I also like writing) down. So.... Voila! my blog was born. It will also have DIYs, beauty tips, fashion, baking, devotions, and just plain spazziness! I hope you enjoy it and come back... maybe even follow and share :)... God bless!

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